Hacks & Tricks.

PUBG Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks (To WIN That Chicken Dinner)

Know About Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks. As you all know that how cool is PUBG Mobile game. As PUBG game had dominated the world of PC games, Now the PUBG Mobile (Mobile version of PUBG) is dominating the world of Mobile gaming. It is not much easy to get “chicken dinner” or to win in PUBG Mobile. But if you know about some PUBG Mobile advanced Tips and Tricks then you can easily get a victory or can win a game. May you had read some posts on other sites about some tips and tricks about PUBG Mobile. But that Tips and tricks are basic which everybody knows.

But If you are mad or crazy about PUBG Mobile game and want to know some PUBG Mobile Advanced tips, Then you are at right place. In this article, I had mentioned some Advanced tips and tricks for PUBG Mobile which are known to me by my experience in PUBG Mobile game and are not revealed by any other Pro player. Now without wasting any second, Let’s have a look at the PUBG Mobile Advanced Tips explained below.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks:-

Below are some Advanced tips regarding PUBG Mobile which can be used by Pro player or a newbie also to Win PUBG Mobile and get that Chicken Dinner.

1. Avoid the Use of Vehicles as much as Possible.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks

You may think that using vehicles is a good thing or gives an advantage to you. But it is absolutely wrong. You should only use any vehicle if the blue line is coming near you otherwise you should avoid the use of vehicles. Because if you are using a vehicle such as a car in PUBG then anyone can easily see you and can kill you. While you can’t see anyone easily with a car. That’s why I recommend avoiding the use of the vehicle If you want to survive last long.

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2. Be an expert in one Map.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks

Now in the latest Mobile version of PUBG, There are 3 Maps named as:-“Erangel, Miramar, and Sanhok”. I know that one may become bored by playing with one Map only if you have two other alternative maps also. But if you play one map only then you will become expert in playing with that map because you will know where you will get more guns, ammo, first aids etc. by playing one map for about one week. You will also know all the places of that map like the map is of your own City. This will give a plus point in your PUBG Mobile gaming skills.

3. Keep moving camera angel While using first aids or Bandages.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

Might be you keep standing in one place while using a bandage or First aid. This is not a sign of Pro Player. You should move your Camera Angel here and there so that you can see anyone coming to you. But if you don’t move camera angle and use bandages by sitting at one place and angel then anyone can shoot at you from the back. So, Keep in mind that if you use any bandage or First aid kit then move or change the camera angle here or there. Then you can get that “Chicken Dinner”.

4. Be a good Team Mate.

If you play Squads or Duos matches then you should know about team spirit. You can’t win Squads or Duos without your partner and your Partner can’t win without you. So, you should help your teammate or Partner by dropping some bandages for him if he needed. Or you should always try to revive him if whenever he knocked by someone in PUBG Mobile game. If you help him then he might help you when you need him in any way such as by dropping some of the ammo if you wanted. In this way, you will become a good teammate although it is not for you if you used to play PUBG Mobile in Solo Mode.

5. Don’t Land on Big Cities.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips and Tricks

You may also be thinking about what I am saying? Don’t land in Cities!, Yes, you should not land in Big Cities such as Pochinki, Prison, Power Plant or any other cities which are associated with names on the map. Because mostly these cities are full of foes or enemies and are a kill zone. So, you should land in a spot where only 2-3 houses are there. Because no one will think to land on that place and you will also get sufficient guns, bandages or other accessories from that houses if playing Solo Mode. But if you are playing Duos or Squads Mode then you should pick up a landing spot where there are about 4-5 houses and you will get sufficient loot from that place. In this way, you will get guns and can easily kill enemies but if you land in towns then there are many enemies and you can be killed before picking up any weapon.

6. Always use Earphones to hear Footsteps of Enemy.

You should use headphones or earphones whenever you are playing PUBG Mobile. The Volume should be not loud or much low, It should be Medium. You can easily hear your surroundings in PUBG Mobile if you are using earphones. It will help you to find your opponents with ears. You can also hear distance fire and can be alert all the time with the help of headphones.

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7. Use Energy drinks and Painkillers as soon as Possible.

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

If you got Energy drinks or Painkillers then you should not wait to use them. You should use them as soon as possible. By using them in this way PUBG Player HP will automatically increase while fighting with an opponent. But if you wait to use them when your HP decrease then you might not get a chance to use them because maybe you got killed before using them. So, my opinion is to use them whenever you got them.

8. Choose Dark Colored Outfits

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

You should use the dark colored outfits. The dark colors like Black, Green etc. Easily got mixed with the surroundings and your opponent can’t find or recognize you fast. This will give you an advantage and you will get the chance to kill that opponent.
I also advise you to don’t use outfits, which are white, blue in color. These colors can attract any opponent and you can easily be killed. So, don’t use any bright colored outfit and use dark colored outfits.

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9. Don’t Forget to Carry Smoke Grenades

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

Most of Newbies and some old players of PUBG Mobile don’t use any Smoke Bomb and most of them even not carry Smoke bombs. You should carry as much Smoke Bombs with you and you should use them while looting the drop or when you don’t know from where the bullets are hitting you. Hope you will carry Smoke Bombs along with guns because they are as much important as Guns in PUBG Mobile. And don’t just carry them, remember to use them to win Chicken Dinner.

10. Keep One Eye at Map and Another on Battlefield

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

I had seen most of the players who just focus on killing others and forget to look at the map. And that’s why they go in the danger zone and lose the majority of Player HP.
Some players are opposite, who focuses on the map and don’t give much value to the battlefield. This is absolutely wrong. I recommend keeping an eye on the battlefield and another eye at Map.
In this way, you will get chicken dinner the majority of the time when you play a match in PUBG Mobile.

11. Only shoot with Relevant Guns

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

Here Relevant guns refer to the guns like “Shotguns, SMGs, Assault Rifles, etc.”. Because each type of guns has a special skill. Such as Shotguns are best for Close range, SMGs are good for Mid-Range, And Assualt Rifles and Snipers are perfect for Long Range.
Thus, it is important to shoot someone with a relevant gun because you can’t shoot an opponent, who is far away with a shotgun. I hope you understand what I mean to say. So, you should carry two different type of guns, then you can shuffle them while shooting the close or far away opponent.

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12. Hide First, Shoot Later

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

You should find the place to hide, you can use grass or bushes to hide your Player from opponents. And then shoot them, your opponent can’t find you easily and you can get an easy kill. So, next time hide in the grass by lying on the ground or sit in the bushes. In front-to-front fight, you should not hide first, you can kill your opponent first and then hide.
”Hide First, Shoot Later”, only works when there are only a few numbers of opponents alive and there is only small PlayZone.

13. Share loot with teammates

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

If you used to play Duos or Squad Matches in PUBG Mobile, then this is an advanced tip for you. You should share Ammo, First Aids, Energy Drinks, etc. with teammates. And if you get some Scopes, then you should share them also. Because you can’t win without them and they can’t win without you.
And if you need anything, then you should also ask them to give you what you want. And the loots should also be shared equally. You should not loot everything from a Drop or from a Killed opponent. You should leave some loot for your teammates also.

14. Don’t Interfere in Others Gun Fight

If only 2 or 3 other players are alive, You should not interfere in their gun Fight. And you should hide and see who one will be alive. When one of them is killed, and another one is using Bandage or First Aid Then get up and kill that opponent.
In this way, you can easily kill any player easily when there are only a few players alive. And if you interfere in such gun fight then might someone will kill you. So, you should follow this PUBG Mobile Tip.
If you think that you can kill both players who are fighting with each other, by shooting both at the same time, Then you are wrong. Wait and see who stands last and then kill him while he will looting or using bandages or First Aid.

15. Don’t Forget to Talk with your Teammates

Pubg Mobile Advanced Tips

I had seen a lot of Players, who don’t talk with their teammates and this is the Main reason why they don’t win. You should Enable “Mic” button and talk with your teammates and discuss the strategies with them. So, that you will easily interact with each other and can kill anyone easily. I don’t say that use Mic always, you can also use text messages to communicate with teammates.
On the other hand, if you don’t talk or Communicate with your teammates, then your teammates will can’t know your strategy and you can’t know your teammates’ strategy. In this way, you can’t win at all.
So, always communicate with your teammates to share plans and strategies to get that chicken dinner.

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I hope you will follow all the PUBG Mobile Advanced tips mentioned above. If you have any queries regarding the PUBG Mobile Advanced tips stated above then feel free to comment them below.

And don’t forget to share PUBG Mobile Advanced tips with your friends by clicking on the buttons below.


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