Learn How to Use Split Screen on iPhone. Have you ever used the “Split Screen” Feature, which is available in iPads running iOS 12? No, because you haven’t an iPad or have used but now want to use Split Screen on iPhone? Then this is also possible, and in this article, we will get into the topic about how to use Split Screen on iPhone.
As Apple had released a Split Screen feature on iPads, which is really helpful in Multitasking, Then users started demanding this feature on iPhones. Although Apple hasn’t yet confirmed about making available this feature on iPhones, Still there are several ways by which you will be able to use Split screen feature on any iPhone.
Now you might be thinking about how is it possible? This is possible by using some unique apps available on the App Store. No Doubt there are a lot of apps on App Store but only a few of them offer Split Screen feature. You don’t need to find them, we had found some apps which really do a great job with Split Screen.
Such apps, and how to use them is stated below.
Ways to Use Split Screen on iPhone
Below are some different ways in which we had used different apps to use split screen on the iPhone. You can use anyone from the below-mentioned apps to get Split Screen on your iPhone right Now.
Use Split Screen on iPhone with SplitNet:-
SplitNet is best among the other apps to use Split Screen on iPhone. It is a free app and you can download this app from App Store for free by using the link:- https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/splitnet/id1328932071?mt=8
Or by searching “SplitNet” in the App Store’s Search bar.

How to use SplitNet
1. It is quite easy to use SplitNet, after downloading it, just open it up.
2. Then select any group of apps shown in a bundle as highlighted below.

3. The group of two apps which you had selected will be displayed at the same time on your iPhone’s screen as shown below.

In this way, you can use the Split Screen on iPhone. Now let’s have a look at another app which can be used to get Split Screen on iPhone.
Use Split Screen on iPhone by using Split Web Browser:-
Split Web Browser is an alternative of the SplitNet. Like SplitNet, Split Web Browser is also a free app and is available on App Store. Download it by searching “Split Web Browser” in App Store’s Search bar or direct app store link of this app is- https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/split-web-browser-fast-multitasking-full-screen-multiple/id940094154?mt=8.

The Main advantage of this app is that you can use different Sites at the same time or can browse two sites at the same time easily.
There are no steps to use this app, just open it up and you will see two search bars, one at top of the screen and another in the middle of the screen of your iPhone.

It’s that simple, Just open up the app and start browsing the web.
How to Use Split Screen using “Multitasking Split Screen”:-
As from name, it is defined that you can use a split screen by downloading this app and can do multitasking. Download it from the app store or direct link for you is https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/multitasking-split-screen/id1424924605?mt=8.

This is similar to the Split Net app, Which we had discussed first, But it is more simple and easy to use than SplitNet.
You need to just open it, then you will see the screen divided into two parts and list of apps, tap on apps you want to open and it will display that app in that part of the screen.

So, above were several apps which might help you to use Split Screen on iPhone. If you have any doubts in your mind then you can comment them in the comment box below.
And I think you will keep using our site if you want to know about more tricks like this one.
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